And finally I could reply to the little God seated next to me

Least did I expect conversation with this little God, on-board, seated next to me. In the Indian philosophy child is God’s incarnation and truly so given their innocence and purity of thoughts. Was blessed to spend 2 hours of my travel time with this little God. Morning flight to Delhi on 1st day of the …

The Trinity or Trimurti – Shrusti, Shakti and Bhakti

The Trinity at Angkor Vat, Cambodia Visits to temples is an integral part of growing up in India. For some temple visit is a spiritual journey and for others devotional. Irrespective of the purpose, some temples leave a lasting impact. Perhaps the ancient and medical temples constructed followed Vastu principles in a manner that entering …

Gender Equality – what does it mean?

At Tiffins and Thots, “social enterprise for empowering women”, while our endeavour has been to bring women to forefront in terms of financial independence, our core philosophy is Inclusive growth. Each one of us is importance in supporting and building our network. Be it Sadashiv or Chandrakant, Vinay or Swaminathan... husbands who have supported their …

Part 2…Endless possibilities and Courage to dream

Endless possibilities and energy to live each day with positivity was just not enough to inspire me. Mr DD spoke about spirituality, cyber law, science and medicine (which Vitamins deficiencies cause scurvy and which cause rickets... sorry google not allowed!) We all learnt this in school but he could recall this without google while driving …

Help thy brother’s boat across and lo! Thine own has reached the shore

While we all focus on reaching the shore, perhaps the most differentiating or satisfying experience is of reaching there with a purpose or mission. My journey in quest of journey has been a learning experience. It has taught me the subtle difference in 'Giving Back' Charity says donate - old clothes, make offerings to needy …